So it's finally come to the point where the Harrisburg School District is so deep in the hole that they need to cut back on sports and extra curricular activities in the entire district.... REALLY??? ALL SPORTS????
Something they might seem like a small situation, can actually have a snowball effect on the entire area..... Some situations may be good but some may not be so good as I see it....
Every weekend it seems another team steps up to the plate and really begins to establish itself. Being that the teams are comprised of kids from all over, it is always fun as a coach, parent, spectator, or player to witness the coming together of a team from beginning to end. Well, we are about halfway or so through the season, and it's safe to say the 15U boys and 17U girls have arrived. Read on to find out about this past weekend, where all of the boys' teams were playing at the York Ballers Classic (two championship game appearances) and three of the girls' teams were playing at the Pocono Mountain Classic......