Monday, June 3, 2013

Why is Philly Basketball so far ahead of the rest of the State of PA????

Often times when people think of Basketball in PA, they instantly think of PHILLY....  For a matter of fact, There's people out there that still think Philly is the Capitol of PA (By the way it's Harrisburg).....  One thing I can say is this, Philly has it going on when it comes to youth basketball....  These guys out there understand what it takes to get their kids proper exposure, and they also understand how to build the rep of their city TOGETHER......  

Philly has always done a great job of getting their TOP PLAYERS together and forming a REALLY GOOD team, taking them out on the aau circuit and competing at a high level....  They take their kids across the country to exposure camps and showcases as well....  Because of that, the Philly kids get to show their stuff vs the "Elite" players in the country at a young age....  Teams like Team Final, Philly Pride, Philly Triple Threat, just to name a few are doing a great job at this point....

So what's wrong with the rest of PA?  I can't speak for Western PA but at least for Central PA, we have too many guys who think they have the answer....  Instead of making 1 "Elite" team in each age bracket, we have 10 average teams in each age bracket that can only compete locally....  

So where does that leave the kids who seriously want to play on a higher level?????   You can sit and read my thoughts but I'd love to hear what you have to say......

Coach Little

@coachlittle22 on Twitter

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